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YumTemplate is the main entry point to Yumdocs

A typical use involves the following:

import {YumTemplate} from '@yumdocs/yumdocs';
const t = new YumTemplate();
await t.load('./input.docx');
await t.render({field: 'Anything you see fit'});
await t.saveAs('./output.docx');

For more advanced uses, requiring custom configuration, check extensions.

constructor(options: Object)

After importing YumTemplate, you first need to create a new instance, as in:

const t = new YumTemplate();

You can pass an options object to set tag delimiters and locale.

const t = new YumTemplate({
delimiters: {
start: '{',
end: '}'
locale: 'fr-FR'

The default options are:

delimiters: {
start: '{{',
end: '}}'
locale: 'en-US'

load(template: Blob|Buffer|File|string)

Then you need to load your Microsoft Office template, as in:

await t.load('./input.docx');

A template can be loaded from:

http url

You can use axios to load a template from a remote url as follows:

import axios from 'axios';
const response = await axios({
method: 'get',
responseType: 'blob',
url: 'https://localhost/templates/input.docx'
await t.load(;

For more information about available options, refer to zip.loadAsync since most options are forwarded, except a string is evaluated as a file path in nodeJS.

render(data: Object)

The render method merges the template loaded into a YumTemplate instance with an object. The following line of code replaces any occurrence of {{field}} with its value, Anything you see fit.

await t.render({field: 'Anything you see fit'});
http url

You can use axios to render a json object from a restfull API as follows:

import axios from 'axios';
const response = await axios({
method: 'get',
responseType: 'json', // default
url: 'https://localhost/data/1234567890'
await t.render(;

saveAs(options: Object|string)

await t.saveAs('./output.docx');