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Learn how to troubleshoot errors in Yumdocs templates.

About the Playground

The examples below are live to allow you to experiment. Most limitations come from the fact that the web editor for input.docx has few capabilities compared to Microsoft Word. But note that you can download input.docx, improve layouts in Word and run yumdocs input.docx data.json output.docx in a terminal window as explained in our CLI Tutorial.

Template Errors

Template errors refer to improper syntax in templates

Incomplete delimiters

All tags should be enclosed between the delimiters {{ and }}, or those you have configured. These are sufficiently unusual not to be expected in static content (as opposed to the dynamic tags Yumdocs processes). The following will simply be ignored and interpreted as static text to avoid false positives:

  • {<statement?> <expression?>}
  • {{<statement?> <expression?>} }
  • {<statement?> <expression?>}}

By design, Yumdocs is permissive and ignores without raising errors any tag in-between incomplete delimiters as if it was intended static content, which you can experiment in the following playground:


Unknown (or misspelled) statements

In order to make Yumdocs as configurable as possible, starting statements with # is only a convention, which principally avoids collisions with json properties in expressions. Tag statements, like #if and #each could be registered with Yumdocs under any name. If a name is registered as a statement, it is identified as such, otherwise the name is considered an expression. Starting object property names with # is not authorized in JavaScript, so an unknown or misspelled statement will raise the error Invalid expression token: #


Missing or mismatched opening and closing tags


Misplaced tags


Malformed expressions

In the following example, {{a b c}} is an expression tag containing a malformed expression. This expression tag actually contains 3 expressions, namely a, b and c, which will raise an error.

In order to display 6, an addition should be used: {{a + b + c}}.

In order to display 123, a concatenation should be used: {{a + "" + b + "" + c}}, with "" to prevent additions between numbers.


Processing Errors

Processing errors refer to errors that occur because of the data merged.

File errors

There are 3 types of file errors which cannot be reproduced in the playground:

  • A file not found (incorrect path).
  • A corrupted file (the file cannot be opened by JSZip).
  • A zip file which is not an OpenXML file ([Content_Types].xml is missing or malformed).

Missing data in an expression tag

In an expression tag, an expression referring to a property which does not exist, is evaluated as undefined, without raising errors. But remember that undefined is falsy, so {{!d}} in the following example is evaluated as true.


Missing data in other tags (statements)

In an #if tag, a condition referring to a property which does not exist, is evaluated as undefined, which is falsy. Therefore the condition will not be met and there will be no error.

In an #each tag, an array referring to a property which does not exist, is evaluated as [], or empty. Therefore there will be no iteration and there will be no error.


Data type errors